A dedicated promoter link that ties new OURONN signups to you. (The link uses your profile username.)
A dedicated window of time after a new OURONN signup using your link that allows them to receive a coupon for their first month and allows you to receive a credit to your account when they purchase their new membership within the window of time. (30 days for Promoters with a 'Professional' or 'Business' Membership and 15 days for Promoters with a 'Social' Membership.)
Offer an automatic coupon for a percentage off the first month of a paid OURONN membership to new OURONN members who sign up using your promoter code and purchase a paid membership within the allotted time. (20% off the first month for Promoters with a 'Professional' or 'Business' Membership and 10% off the first month for Promoters with a 'Social' Membership.)
Receive an automatic credit towards your Membership for every new OURONN member who signs up using your promoter code and purchases a paid membership within the allotted time. (Credit of 50% of the monthly cost of the new paid membership for Promoters with a 'Professional' or 'Business' Membership and a credit of 25% of the monthly cost of the new paid membership for Promoters with a 'Social' Membership.)